Friday, March 4, 2016

Holiday Season: The Very Delayed Sequal

Lesson in motherhood number 534: Babies don't care about your free time.

In fact, babies don't know what free time is.  Coincidentally, neither do parents.

As many times as I've sat down to share the rest of the sessions that concluded 2015 is as many times as my daughter has needed a diaper, or a nap, or milk, or cuddles.  I'm cool with that.  As many new moms are often reminded by strangers at the grocery store, they won't be this little forever.  While I've been busy attempting to "enjoy every moment" (not ALL of the moments are so enjoyable, BTW) the winter season is almost gone and I'm gearing up for a busy Spring.

In a month I'll have a 1 year old. Before we know it, the summer sun will be melting my skin off warming us as we spend more time outdoors.  I'm looking forward to camping, and playing outside and baseball games and fireworks through the eyes of a newly minted toddler, but for now, let's take a quick look back to a time when Thanksgiving turkeys and Christmas hams were what we had to look forward to.

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