Flashback Friday: Think Warm Thoughts

It's cold today in Philadelphia.  Colder than it is in Alaska, according to local news source NBC10 Philadelphia.  Take refuge in the fact that the official start of Spring is only 35 days away.  Before you know it, you'll be back on the beach applying sunscreen hourly and moving the beach umbrella to create shade for your vampire-esque skin.  Or, maybe that's just me?

I'm a lover of all seasons and the opportunity for change and adaption that each one brings.  As tempting as it may sound on a day like today, living in region of the world without seasonal weather changes would get boring for me rather quickly.  

Whether you're someone who enjoys even the most bitter cold days like today, or someone who has the heat cranked up with 17 layers on just to take the edge off, I am entirely positive that these warm, sunny photos from last summer will be universally appreciated.  

Kaiya, the beautiful first born daughter to two of my very best friends turned one last summer.  Obviously, this meant taking to the beach for some sun, sand and salt to commemorate the occasion.  Looking back on these photos is especially nostalgic for me, because I had JUST found out I was pregnant.  I remember strategically packing snacks to keep the nausea at bay and wondering if I'd survive the car ride without the overwhelming urge to vomit.  I was wavering between hoping my pregnant best friend with a one year old to look after, would be too distracted to pick up on those subtleties, and the thought of just blurting out the news, even though I was still in a state of quasi-disbelife.  Kaiya will be two in about 4 months and by that time,  I'll be the mother of a 8-ish week old baby.  I'm hoping we can still fit in a day trip to the beach this summer to celebrate the ups, downs and in-betweens of the last year. 

BONUS:  Kaiya is a big sister now and I recently tried out some new equipment with these two cuties.  Here's a few "bonus tracks" of these adorable blue eyed babes.  

Hope thoughts of the beach warmed you up!
